Kamstrup Multical 803 Ultrasonic Cooling Meter

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Regular price £481.45

The Robust, High End, Energy Calculator

  • Auto Detect of ULTRAFLOW
  • DK-BEK 1178 Approved
  • 6 Year Battery Back Up
  • On-site configurable flow or return installation positions
  • 1.5m Temperature Sensors (Other Sizes Available)
  • Stainless Steel Pockets
  • Available with Pulse, M-Bus, BACnet, Modbus, Wireless M-Bus, Analog Outputs (See Spares Section)

MULTICAL® 803 is an all-in-one solution that meets the high requirements for advanced industrial measurement with accurate, stable energy meters with long life and many communication and remote reading functions.

MULTICAL® 803 is a robust and all-round calculator, suitable as heat meter, cooling meter or bifunctional heat/cooling meter together with 1 or 2 flow sensors and 1, 2, 3 or 4 temperature sensors. The meter is intended for energy measurement in almost all types of thermal installations where water is used as the energy-conveying medium.
MULTICAL® 803 can, in addition to heat and cooling measurement, be used for leakage monitoring, permanent performance monitoring, power, flow and temperature limiter with valve control as well as for energy measurement in both open and closed systems.

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